
Dec 5, 2013

Country Club Christians

I was watching a sermon on TV the other day from Apostle Hardy at The House Of Judah Ministries. 
(Click  Here for their ministry page)

Apostle Hardy stated the Lord spoke to him about "Country Club" churches.
The reason behind this.....
He was told he had  drug dealers, street people, and those who had participated in gangs in his church and that's all his church would ever be. 
The Lord spoke to him and said He was getting  rid of "Country Club" churches.
That statement struck a cord in me......
God has been showing us, the ladies of Shakin' the Foundation , a ministry of love.....
His love.....
It's not all polished and spit shined.....
It's not perfect pearly white teeth and all hairs in place.....
It has many that are broken, abandoned and abused. 
It has recovery addicts.....
And those still struggling. 
It has the divorced.....
The adulteress and adulterer....
It has the abused and the abuser....
It has the rich....
And the poor....
It has the hungry...
And the fed.
It has them all. 

What do you see children of God???
Do you see their pain?
Do you see their brokenness?
Do you see their wounds?
Their fear?
Their shame?

They come to find love....
And redemption.

They are lost,sad,hurt,broken and alone. 
Do you reach out or turn away?

I read a story where a new minister comes in disguise to his new flock. 
(Click Here to read story entirely)
Pastor Jeremiah Steepek came in disguised as homeless person and was treated poorly by the congregation.... His new congregation. 

He stated to the congregation, He saw a gathering of people not a church of Jesus Christ and that the world has enough people but not enough disciples. He then asked them when would they decide to become disciples. 

The body of Christ is filled with country club churches....
They (we) choose to over look those less fortunate....
They (we) have forgotten where they (we) themselves have come from....
And what the Lord has delivered them (us) from.
They (we) love the broken from afar as to not taint their (our) own little world. 
Issues are hidden and plastic smiles are painted on. 
They  (we)refuse to discuss their (our) failures and short comings. 

Apostle Hardy stated " Some  are not free cause you don't talk enough about what you've been through.....
We all have one....
It's by confessing what the Lord has done for us....
It's showing others His grace, mercy and unconditional love....
It's sharing our stories. 
It's loving the unlovable just as Christ  has and does love us when we too are unlovable.

Let me say, there is nothing wrong with being prosperous....
There is nothing wrong with having nice things.....
Beautiful clothes....
Nice home or car. 
 Wrong is when we are so blessed but yet refuse to bless others....
To share what our daddy God has so graciously blessed us with. 
Whether it's a meal purchased.....
A tank of gas....
Paying a delinquent bill for them..... 
A sack full of groceries....
A blanket....
A coat....
Sharing a moment in your (our) life when you (we) were at the bottom, allowing others to see they are not alone in their struggles. 

Meeting a need is what it's all about and loving them in the process.  

 I have had times in my life when I was a " country club" christian.
When I allowed religion to rule my heart and not relationship....
When law was my foundation and not love. 
Thank God for his grace and mercy, for me, his daughter!!!
I am so blessed He never gave up on me and has taught me that it's through the love of Christ hearts are mended.....
Addictions are broken....
Sin is removed. 

As we get ready to to turn the corner into the new year, I ask .....
Are you a country club christian or a disciple? 
I choose to be a disciple........ 


Matthew 25:34-40
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

* I take no credit for photos in this post*


  1. Your hear shows so beautifully here. I believe God is sharking up His people and we will need to decide, which way will we go - be sheep or goats? A great story of His love here!

    1. Thank you Brenda. I too beleive He is shaking up his people!!! Sheep for me!!!! :)
      God bless you my sweet friend!!

  2. I love this. It caught my attention because I speak to several women's groups who meet in country clubs! They are often older crowds, but as I present my testimony and share the gospel, I've seen older women who have probably walked in the country club crowd for years break down and cry at sorrow and grief in their lives. I agree with you that God is shaking the foundation of the church, especially in the United States. We need to be grounded, as do our children. Thank you, Stacey, for this post!

  3. Stacey, this is very timely and much appreciated. I used to go to a great "seeker friendly" church years ago. I still have friends who go there and I actually am in a small group with ladies from that church. I use to invite people there saying it was really "cool." Then God showed me. He showed me that my heart yearned for more than just "cool," He showed me that the leaders were about building numbers but not necessarily disciples. He showed me that my family went to get their coffee, their donut and to be entertained. He showed me I was not (nor were they) walking away challenged or changed. He showed me that I was desiring HIM. He showed me that there is more to being a Christian than being a "Country Club Christian." Yep, He used those exact words. Since then I have been feeling convicted, words are cheap but actions cost. They cost time, money, emotions; they cost love. They COST. Jesus calls us to love the unlovable. I'd like to learn more how to do that. My heart aches for those less fortunate, those beat up, those without hope. But my heart aches for the mask wearers too. My heart aches and I've put my hand out several times and each time been bitten. I pulled back and licked my wounds, relishing in my own self pity and declared, "I will never do that again." Still the hollow lost eyes call to me, they reach out to my tender hand, longing to be touched, to be loved. The eyes whisper, "Please love me, please help me." I don't know how without getting bit ; wounds hurt, they somehow go deeper than just my hand, they reach down into that place within me that also feels hollow. But hollow or not God calls me to reach back, to love them. He promises to fill me up where I need filling so that I may be poured out once again. Poured out empty of self, but poured out full of HIS love. I am tired Stacey of living as a Country Club Christian, tired of the masks I've worn to cover up my own wounds, my own shames. I am tired of settling for faith without deed. I am tired of being a taker and not a giver. So I sit, I wait. I wait for the Vine TO move me, to produce in me the fruit he longs to create in me. Yet, while I wait, I look for opportunity. Opportunity to once again reach out, sore hand and all, trusting God will be right there with the living water to pour over the gaping wounds of my own insecurity and fear. Forgive me for being so blunt on your post. I lost a loved one two days ago. I reached out to her, to share the gospel, but when she was not ready I recoiled, I drew back. In obedience, I reached out again but only got her voice mail. And now she's gone Stacey, an impoverished woman who only knew a life of heartache, addicted to pain killers. She's gone and I don't have the reassurance that she is with the Lord. I reached out and was bit, but sometimes love means letting your skin bleed red for the sake of the Kingdom. May my eyes be open and my ears attentive to the call of the Lord and those he calls me to serve. This is my prayer.

    1. Lori, I can't thank you enough for your transparency and honesty. I have found that sometimes the Lord has to "break" us to get us where he wants us to be able to reach the lost, hurting and abused. I am thankful he broke me and continues to break me, sore hand and all. Continue to reach sugar, knowing you are alone and are reaching out as Christ with his love. He will give you the strength to continue!!!! I stand with you and love your bluntness :))

    2. *Knowing you are NOT alone* ....Oops typo :)


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