
Jun 2, 2015

Partly Cloudy With A Little Sunshine

Over the last several days here in the south we have had rain, rain and more rain.
Thunderstorms whose powerful winds and heavy down pours have sent many scurrying like ants for shelter.
Morning showers that have lingered to the noon time hour and stretched through out the afternoon with the sun only peeking out occasionally.....
 A reminder there is light behind the clouds. 

There are times in life when our world as we know it becomes covered by the clouds....
When the rain pours.....
And the thunder rocks our very being. 
When everything that can possibly happen, happens all at once....
 STRESS Storm.

Stress storms unfortunately are a part of life.
Some will rage through quickly......
Some will come in like a hurricane and sit over us for a brief period of time......
Others will just linger.
My latest life storm has lingered, bouncing between partly cloudy with a little sunshine.
I've had my moments when my heart has broke into pieces....
Moments when hope has lifted me up....
Moments of frustration.....
And moments of encouragement.
( For those who have encouraged me daily with your unfailing love, you are a blessing to my heart......
Ecclesiastes 6:14
Agrees that a faithful friend is a sure shelter, whoever finds one has found a rare treasure. A faithful friend is something beyond price. )

 I am finding, no matter my age, there are still lessons in life I am to learn. 
This lesson (storm) is teaching me what it truly means to allow my daddy God to be my rock.
To put my trust so deep within his hands that it can not be moved.
To hear his voice above the storm....
To heed to his wisdom and not the worlds chatter...
To be still and know that He is God and will calm me, his daughter through the storm.

Stress storms are not always things that are out of our control.
There are those I know I bring upon my self.
I am discovering there are some things in life I  try so hard to hold to that God himself is trying to remove and for that reason, he will allow a storm to come. 
It is through the storm I am pushed from my comfort zone and into the place of trust He is calling me to.

However, whether it is a storm that is out of my control or one that is sent to get my attention, 
God's word tells me....

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not be afraid; I will help you. 

He has taken hold of my right hand and with that, I am learning a greater trust....
A better peace.....
 I can hear wisdom speaking over the doubting words of the world.....
And a whole new level of His unconditional love. 

Regardless of life's storms, it is when I heed to His voice and his direction not the words and actions of man, I can see the light behind the clouds. 

My daddy God never leaves me without hope.
He faithfully puts others in my path to encourage me and nurture me through my storm.
He, without a doubt, showers me with His grace to overcome and see victory in my life. 
His mercy delivers me on the days I can't see past the clouds.
His words are the balm of Gilead that soothes my heart. 
His love embraces me when I feel all alone in my trials.
He carries me when my weariness is too great to continue. 
He is my light in the darkness of the clouds.
He is my redeemer!!

My stress storm is running out of punch...
The clouds are parting....
And the sunshine is making it's way through.
Today I was reminded, there is always sunshine after the rain...
And for that I am forever thankful. 

Partly cloudy with a little sunshine.....



  1. Hi Stacey, I think you and I are in similar storms and I see many around me going through much of the same. But we have the Lord on our side, we have His favour and we have His word. I am truly grateful that I can "chat" with you on occasion and I want to encourage you to focus on that sunshine beyond the rain-clouds! He is faithful
    God bless my friend

    1. Thank you my sweet friend! I, too, am blessed for our chats we have and the encouragement you give me. We do have his favor and his word, words that never return void!!! God bless you sugar!!


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