Oct 29, 2014

Victory In The Climb

I love to read. I adore words written on pages of faded yellow, bold and in italics. 
Words that come alive in an instant and fill me with hope and excitement. 
Reading allows me to escape the weariness of today and shines the victories of tomorrow.

As I settled in for the night, piled in my bed with my favorite pillow, I open the current book I am reading. I am in awe of the healing this woman experiences by God's wonderful grace in her life. As the words of her story penetrates the core of my heart, I began to think about my struggles in life and see how minor they compare to her fight for her life.
 I silently ask God to forgive me for any doubts I've allowed to creep into my circumstances. I am feeling shallow as I read on and experience her testimony through her words of praise. For my current struggles are no where near what she was going through.

I know my struggles are just as important to my daddy God as hers were but never the less, shallow is the feeling that comes to mind. 

As she laid dying she sang to the Lord. She sang songs of praise knowing in the depth of her soul she had more to do. 
She sang in spite of others telling her to save her strength, she sang knowing her purpose her on earth was not yet fulfilled.
She sang until she "caught her healing"
And healed she was!
( A healing need can be in the form of a physical one, emotional one or both)

I read that portion of the book over and over again until my eyes where to heavy to read any longer.
 I begin to ask myself, how many times in life have I had a hill to climb and focused on the circumstances of the hill and not the power and grace of my daddy God?
How many times did I speak not the words of God but the words my circumstances produced?

I had spoke death over my situation and not life.....
God's word tells us there is life and death in the power of the tongue.

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
 and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

I have learned over the years what I speak, I will live, that being the fruit of my words.
Regardless of the words my circumstances are speaking, for me to speak God's words over them is where my victories are birthed.
Where my circumstances become a dance of life and not a walk of death.
My testimony shouts God's amazing grace and unconditional love, I am strengthened and encouraged. 
And hope once again reigns in my heart

It's not the climb that hinders us in life, it's how we climb.
How are you climbing your hills in life?
I want to encourage you to speak life to your circumstances.

There is victory in every climb......

Proverbs 23:18
There is surely a future hope for you,
 and your hope will not be cut off

*** The book I mention in this blog is  written by Frieda White on the life of Vicki Jamison-Peterson. Sister Frieda is an amazing teacher of the gospel. Her love and passion for the Lord and his goodness explodes through her life and love for all of God's children. Sister Frieda tells Vicki's life story with the same passion and love she carries for all. If you would like to read  more about the life of this mighty woman of God click on the link below and purchase a copy. You will be blessed abundantly.******

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