Jun 24, 2013

Puzzle Pieces and The Box Top

I must admit, when putting a puzzle together, I am one of those who look at the box.
No, I am not cheating, I just know my limitations.
I have tried many times to put together 1000 piece puzzles without the box top, and it just doesn't work for me......
It turns into a huge irritating task rather than a peaceful quiet time.
I learned by looking at the box top I could get all the pieces together peacefully......
And keep my sanity in the process.

The same theory goes for my life.
For all my pieces that need placing together....
I look to my "box top".......
My daddy God!!!

Without looking to Him, my life becomes messy and unbalanced.
I have no direction for my pieces to fit.....
There is much irritation and aggravation.
 A grueling task where there is no peace.

Time and time again I tried so desperately to fit my life's pieces together my way.
My way.....
Pushing, tugging, and pounding them together......
Determined to make them fit.
~Dear sweet baby Jesus~

So many times in life, we jump ahead of God and choose what pieces we, ourselves, determine should fit together.
It can best be described by starting the border of a puzzle, and jumping to the middle without completing the outer edges.
There is no unity, no connection, no harmony.......
Just one huge mess.
~Yes, I have had several messes in my life~

My pieces began to fit when I looked to my "box top"
(My daddy God)
When I allowed Him to open my eyes to the picture He has for me, and stopped trying to hammer my pieces together......
Just as my box top became my guide for my puzzle pieces.......
My daddy God in all His splendor became my guide for my life.

All my pieces are not together and my picture is not complete......
The picture He has is HUGE!!
But the ones that are, fit together perfectly......
His way!!!!!

If you are trying to put your puzzle together and your pieces are not fitting......
Look to your "box top" , Your daddy God.....
His way is always better than our own....
And our life "puzzle" becomes a beautiful picture put together by the hand  of our daddy God.
There is nothing better!!!

Just as my box top guides me in my puzzle, He guides me in my life!!


Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm
    he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Linking with :
Beauty in His Grip Button
*I take no credit for photos*


  1. Dear Stacey
    Allowing our Pappa God to be the puzzle builder makes things go even more smoothly. I have found that when I try, I usually don't make any progress in any case.

  2. I love the idea of looking at the box of the puzzle pieces. I get this! Love this post! PS - check your email - I sent you an article last week for She Stands! Love to you!

  3. Thank you Ladies!!!! And Brenda I will check it today :))
    Cant wait tor ead what you have for this month!!!

    Love to you!!

  4. Great analogy! Thanks for posting.


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