Jul 26, 2012

Alabaster Box~

What is a Alabaster box?

It is described as a box made from alabaster, a beautiful beige smooth stone.
In the days of Jesus it was used to hold expensive oils and perfumes.
(The "box" was more jar shaped. )

 This morning I was listening to my play list and the song Alabaster box came on. I have listened to this song several times and today it ministered to my heart in such a different way.

The lyrics that stopped me in my tracks.......
" I spent my days pouring my life without measure. Into a little treasure box I though I had found."

I had in the past been giving the world my everything and not Jesus.......

~Wow...huge eye opener~

My box did not contain a beautiful fragrant oil for my Lord. It was a box filled with contempt,anger, pain, jealously and judgmental words.

A box of sin and selfish ways........

There was no praise in my box.

~ I am sorry Lord.....

There were many unyoked relationships that torn me down.....
I had placed pieces of my heart hidden behind a wall....

I had no praise in my box........

I continued to listen to the words, more intently than before.

" Until the day when Jesus came to me and healed my soul with the wonder of his touch."

Simply beautiful words.

He did find me.
Just as I was, healed my soul and touched my heart.

John 12:3

Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.


Mary Magdalene broke her alabaster jar at the feet of Jesus. She gave him her most costly possession, as the oil was worth possibly a years wages.

What's in your Alabaster box?

Are you willing to break it at the feet of Jesus? 
Are you willingly to give him all you costly oils and perfumes (possessions)?

Regardless of what the "world" says to you and about you???

Will you pour your oil of praise on him??

Much love~

Beautiful song~

Jul 24, 2012

Pigtails and Pouting~

This picture actually had me laughing out loud. It reminded me of when my youngest daughter was this age.
(Looks alot like her)

She too could put on a pouty face that could make you laugh until you cried.
Chelsea was a sweet tempered babygirl and her "pouting" sessions were far and few, however when she had (had) enough, the arms would cross over her chest, checks blow up , lips puckered for days and.......
 the pouting began.

Why??.....Because Mommy said "No"

But whyyyyyyy mommyyyyy?????

Because Mommy said "No"
Of course I'd explain the reason behind my no to her.

It may have been no to a request for a snack and we were fixing to eat dinner.
It may have been to stay up and watch cartoons and it was her bedtime.

How many times do we put on our pouty face when our Daddy God tells us no?

Our whining voice comes out....." But Whyyyyy????


We bargain, we reason, and we justify............

I really want this job Lord.....
This is the perfect mate for me God......
I really love this house.........
This car is the right one for me, I just know it is.......

Our  answer is still "No"~

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For me this is the best explanation behind any "no" He will give me~

He sees the whole picture, where as we only see the here and now.

What we think is perfect for ourselves, God is saying NO, wait I have much better plans and blessings for you!

I have learned to keep my pouting pigtail face to a minimal and I am reminded that His ways are higher than mine.
( OK, so I don't wear the pig tails, but there are times I have been known to pout)

And for my babygirl, well she doesn't have the pigtail pouty face anymore, we have moved on to the teenager pout.
(the pleading and then the famous silent treatment )

Yayyyy  for all us parents with teenagers :)

~she is trying so hard not to laugh here~

She now bargains, pleads, and justifies her reasons,  ( like I have been known to do with God)however Momma can see the bigger picture just as my daddy God can for me, and I tell her to wait, the blessings our daddy God has far out weight what the world is offering~

Do you pout???  

Are your lips puckered up and cheeks looking like a blow fish?

Are you pleading your case as to why things need to go your way and now??

Or do you stand on God's word ( Isaiah 55:8-9) and wait for your daddy God to bless you?

I have chosen to take down my pigtails in life and rest my puckered pouting lips and wait on God.

And in the times I forget and my pouting begins it is then when I am reminded once again,

HIS ways are higher then mine~

Much love~

Jul 23, 2012

Monday Morning pick me up~

Just a a little word to start our week with~

God has us all in the palm of his hand and HE is in control.......

 Our break through is near!!!!

No matter our circumstances!!!!

Have a blessed week

Much love~