Apr 29, 2014

Crevices Can Hurt

I love the analogy of the potters wheel. 
 I am forever being molded upon the potter's wheel of my daddy God.
I am molded to take one shape only to be reshaped again and again.
He never leaves me where I am in this life........
It is because of his love for me, he continues to make the changing of shapes in my life.....
In my heart.......
And my soul......
~Thank you sweet Jesus~

There are times when it can be very uncomfortable......
A season of extreme soreness to the flesh......
A shift that can knock us off our feet and out of our comfort zone.
One would think this is where the most pain of change lies....
Not so much.

  The small tedious changes tend to hurt the worse.....
It is when my daddy God begins to scrape the  small crevices in my life, the burning, painful shaping takes place.
The small places of my heart were I hide my most painful emotions......
Where bitterness and un-forgiveness are setting up camp......
Where my anger becomes justified and my reactions hold their ground.....

This is were his chisel of love begins to do its work......
One scrape at time.....
One emotion at a time.......

When pottery is made, there are beautiful designs etched into the clay. 
Our designs (crevices) in our pottery ( life) may appear pretty to the outside world, but when our daddy God begins to scrape away the shine and polish, there the root of our emotional scars reside. 
For our scars to become truly beautiful, they must shine the light of Christ.
They must embody his healing touch.....
His unconditional love of correction.......
His never ending grace...........
Mercies that are renewed every day.
To be more of Christ and less of me, I have come to learn I must stay on my potters wheel.
I must forever allow him to change and shape me..........

Philippians 1:6
being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;  

Crevices Can Hurt~ 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey, such a great analogy. Yes, the crevices to hurt, and the moulding and the making! But, ultimately, it is for our good, and for His glory. Great post my friend
    God bless


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