Sep 20, 2012

Praisin' all Crazy like~

2 Samuel 6:14

14 Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod.

King David danced before the Lord......
With all his might............
Wearing a linen ephod.................

This scripture tells us King David had dis robed from his kingly robes and danced before the Lord,spinning around joyously, wearing only his priestly ephod.

He was "praisin all crazy like" :))

The bible also tells us,his wife, Michal was not happy with her husband, the king, for doing so.

She acts in the pride of her father,King Saul, rather than the humility and joy of her husband, King David.

King David danced before the Lord in joy.........

But what about when we are in pain??
When our world's seem to be falling apart at every seam......

Pain for our loved ones......
Pain from despair....
Pain from brokenness.....

Pain comes in many forms......
But the truth is, pain is pain regardless how it came about in our lives.

I have experienced several forms of pain over the last few years.....

Pains from divorce.....
When my heart felt as though it's brokenness could never be repaired.....

Pain that was born out of fear when my daughter called with her deployment orders.......

Growing pains of correction in my life...........

Watching my baby girl learn there are those that choose not to forgive......
( She too is learning about growing pains)

Overwhelming pains of death of those I love.........

Tragic events that have occurred in family and friends lives.......
When God has me stand in the gap as a intercessor for those who need prayer.....

There are times my tunnel of pain seems to have no ending, that the light will never be.
When my heart and soul literally grieves to the point of physical pain.......
 When all I want to do is cry a ocean of tears......


I have learned to praise Him through all my pain......
To lift my voice.....
To lift my hands......
To seek His face in the depth of my despair........

It is through my praise I find my healing......
My restoration.......
His grace......
His mercy......

His balm of Gilead to bind my my wounds......

My heart has been healed from my divorce.

My daughter, well she served our country proudly and came home without a hair on her head removed....She is safe~

My growing pains....I know can see the new level of faith He has brought me too and the renewing of my mind.

My baby girl learned to forgive and move forward in spite of those who chose not to.
She has experienced God's favor by her obedience.

The pains I feel for those I have been called to stand in the gap for, I am blessed and thankful that He, my daddy God, chose me to an instrument of His love in their lives.

And the best part....HIS light does shine in my tunnel and gets brighter every day regardless of my pain.

So for those who see me with hands raised, my voice lifted, my feet dancing and at times spinning around and dancing before my God.......

I promise will not be dancing in a linen ephod, but I will have removed my shame, my fears, my doubts and anything else that would hinder me from being in His presence.

It's OK, you can look at me all crazy like if you want to!!

I want to see His glory in all areas of my life and yours :)

Just know that I know that when my praises go up, my blessings come down!!

Much love,

Prayer: Father God, I come before you today and I ask that everyone who reads this post is filled with your peace, your presence, your grace and your love. No matter the pain in their lives Lord, I ask they feel you moving in their circumstances.  Let them see your light in their tunnels .I pray for a balm of Gilead over any brokenness, fear, doubt,and confusion. I pray Lord that you bind there wounds and heal them in Jesus name.
I give you all the glory today,knowing that you Lord are in control of each and every circumstance and situation and I thank you Lord for your love that is unfailing and never ending.

Ecclesiastes 3:4

    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,


  1. Beautiful beautiful Stacey - Such a great encouragement to praise in all circumstances ALL CRAZY LIKE

    Amen and amen
    God bless

  2. This is a beautiful post, Stacey! Thank you for visiting my blog the other day~ I am so glad to have found yours today. You seem to embody what St.Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:4 "(God)comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort other people who are in every kind of trouble. We offer the same comfort that we ourselves received from God." (from the Message Bible)
    Thanks for encouraging me today through your blog! Your life is a Blessing in God's Kingdom! :) May God use you more and more to bless and inspire many people for His glory.
    In His love,
    Suzanne :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. What a beautiful, beautiful picture of joy in the pain. I love your connection of scripture with life.

  5. Amen, love it!! There's nothing sweeter than a believer praising their Savior with all that they have! Hey, I guess they'll be looking at the both us crazy, cause' I'm a radical worshipper too! ;-))

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey through grief ... it is such an encouragement.



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