Oct 20, 2011

A Mother's Pain~

There are so many different types of pain in this world, physical, emotional and spiritual. But there is one that goes to the core of my very existence, it’s called a “mother’s pain”. When a woman becomes pregnant with her child there is an instant bond with this new creature. Our Godly given instincts kick in and we become consumed with the love for this unborn life we carry. Our hearts experience a new found love like no other. This is how Jesus sees us all. Before we were formed in our mother’s womb he already had a love for us that was beyond anything we could ever fathom.
When I see either one of my daughter’s heart broke, it is a pain that surpass all other pain. As a parent we want to fix every broken piece. I know that there are times when I feel  either of my daughter’s pain so much that it literally grieves me to the point of emotional and physical pain. Sometimes the pain in her life may be self inflected; other pain may be cause by other people. When its self inflected pain by choices made, as a mom all I can do is pray, love her and walk her through it one step at a time and use it as a learning lesson. How many times in our lives have we made choices that caused us so much pain and our daddy God had to use it as a learning lesson? A lesson he didn’t want us to have to go through simply out of love for us.

God’s word tells us in 1 Peter 5:7

New International Version (NIV)
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
As a parent in the flesh it can be hard to do this because all we want to do is “fix” everything in our child’s life. Just imagine if we as parents want to fix everything in our children’s lives, to heal all the pain they go through, how much more does our daddy God want to fix ours??? He clearly states to “cast ALL anxiety on him”
That means to lay it down at his feet and leave it there. A child’s trust in their parent starts from an infant stage and as they grow they know that mom or dad will take care of them. That when things get all hay wire, they can call upon mom or dad and all will be well.  See they leave it at mom’s feet or dad’s feet knowing it will be handled. God wants the same thing with us, his children. To bring it to him, tell him our needs and trust him with everything we have to leave it with him to handle.
There have been times in my own mom’s life she has had to tell God to allow certain situations in her own children’s lives to be where she in the flesh could not do anything about it. That was the only way she knew she would be able to leave it completely at his feet. As a mom that is the hardest thing to do in the flesh because we want so bad to “fix” everything for our children, but in doing so there are times we make our “burdens” heavier.
 God’s word tells us in Matthew 11:28-30.
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

When we take on his yoke, our burdens become easier to deal with. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding; the knowledge is knowing that he is in full control. However the difference between God and us all is he doesn’t infer with free will. We have the choice to give it all to him, the choice to lay it at his feet, “to cast” it all on him. He patiently waits for us to come to him and give it all to him to correct, fix and heal, as he tells us that HIS yoke is easy and HIS burden is light. He doesn’t want his children weighed down by the pains in this world any more than we as parents want our own children hurting.  And there are times when we as parents do the same thing, waiting for our children to come to us with their pains of the world. But what do us as parents do with it once it is given to us?? Do we hold on to it like we own it? Or do we in return give it to our “daddy” God to fix?? When we give it over to him, our “Mother’s Pain” he in return gives us a peace and a joy on the inside that surpasses all other emotions and feelings surrounding us.  Our “yoke” becomes easy as it is his we are wearing and our “burdens” become light as they are his as well. He carries our “anxieties” for us. All we have to do is give them to him. Lay them down. We have to keep them there. How do we keep them there? How do we not go back and pick them back up?
I have had a bad habit of going back and getting them after I give them over to him. In the flesh we want things fixed in the now time frame, however God’s time is not our time, and by going back and picking them back up only makes the time line longer and harder and more painful.
There are times when our pain comes over our children’s choice and we as parents get all the “garbage” placed on us. It may come in our children rejecting our advice, our support and our love. It may come in anger and disrespect. I once asked God, how long do I have to eat all this garbage politely with a fork and spoon? He didn’t give me a time line; however I was reminded how many times in my life I made bad choices, rebelled and ran with the world and my daddy God sat patiently and loving waiting for me to stop shifting through the garbage. He loved me unconditionally through it all and even though I was grieving his heart, he never left me. 
It’s hard sometime for us to wait for our children to do the same. We have already been there and we try so hard to help them through it faster and by doing that we sometimes make a bigger mess. Just as our daddy God waits for us, we are to wait for our children. That is where God’s word is so vital in our warfare for our children. We are to cast our children upon him. All their struggles, pains heartaches etc…..The times when I know I have to allow my children to figure it out on their own which is always a difficult part of my mom role. However I know that if I step in every time, my love for them will hinder them in the future.
There are times in our trials that our Daddy God is quiet. He hasn’t left us; he is just allowing us to learn how to grow up a little more. And like any parent, if we should fall, he is there to pick us up. I don’t want to hinder my children in the journeys of life set before them, I do however want to be there to love them the way God loves all his children.
When we cast all our cares upon him, we don’t know his plans on fixing it for us, we just know that he will.
When my babygirl (Chelsea) was 4 years old, I got her a fish tank. I showed her how to feed her new friends, however she did that part just a little too well and we came home to one of her friends floating. How many times in our lives had God showed us how to take care of a situation and we did it way over the top?  To the point where we are like the fish floating at the top of the tank?  I know that in my life, He always came in, showed me my errors, picked up, dusted me off and sent me back out again with a loving voice saying, You can do this! ( just keep swimming, just keep swimming) And when the tank we are swimming in, whether it’s our on struggles are those of our children, HE is there to toss us that life jacket.  “Cast ALL our cares on him” and he will lead the way!

Much love,

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