Mar 16, 2012

Ready Set Go

Mark 16:15-16

New International Version (NIV)
   15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation

" You will shake the very foundations of Hell."

Diana and I received this word March 3rd 2011. The Lord spoke to us concerning the ministry he has for us and the things he will do through us both. Over the last year the Lord has spoken to us through prayer, several wonderful pastors and mighty men and women of God.

The feeling of hope, joy and excitement that runs through me after hearing what he has planned for our families is indescribable. To know that he loves me so much that he would actually use me for his kingdom, to reach others for him, to show that we all have a place that he has prepared for us is amazing. 

His words to us both.....Totally stellar!!

The only way I can explain my feeling is that I get Godly goosies" In other words, goosebumps that can't be measured in size!  :)

Ok Lord, you said it, so let's get busy.
 I'm ready Lord. I'm  ready now Lord. 
I am ready this very minute Lord!!!
Time to start shaking Lord!!! Hello???!!

Lord?......Ummm Lord? It's time to start shaking.... Come on Lord I am ready.....Really I am ready Father God...... Lord???

And the process of molding, shaping, changing and renewing starts. Ouch!
Ok so I have some things that need adjusting, I can do that. I have some things that need to be removed,  I can handle that. Now I have some healing that needs to be completed?  ~sigh~  Ok I'll do that......

My season of change had to begin with God plowing  and uprooting the things in my life that he knew would stop me in my tracks before I could ever get started. There have been times in the last year that my faith has been stretched so hard, it felt as though it would snap like a overstretched rubber band.

When God tells you "his" ways or not our ways, he isn't joking. My way of handling situations were changed to form according to his ways. My attitude towards those who "spitefully use" me and "curse" me were changed. ( To be honest this is a daily work in progress)

The very vocal character (mouth)  he blessed me with, has now been shaped and molded by his hands to speak as he wants me to speak. And lets not forget that through this portion, any and every person that would rub me the wrong way has now crossed my path. In essence he has used those like sandpaper, to rub off any rough edges in my life.


Very hard lesson.......yet still a work in progress. ( I am going for a A+ in this lesson)

My level of faith has been tried and tested. It has been sent through the fire and the storm, and yes some storms felt like a hurricane. However to get to the place he has for me, for us both, Diana and myself, we must go through all his molding, changing, reshaping as well as renewal and restoration process.

I have had to learn to trust him more than I have ever had to in my life. I have to stand on his word when I really just wanted to run screaming my head off.

In the process of this all, I have had to show my children what it really means to stand firm on God's word.  In the process of reminding myself what God has spoken to me and over me, I have had to remind my girls and in doing so, lead by example.

During the times when bills have to be shuffled around, the grocery list is smaller, the extras are no more, we have to stand. When your family seems to be falling apart at every seam, we have to stand.  When sickness over takes those you love, we have to stand. When it seems the enemy has slipped through the cracks and has stolen all that you have, we have to stand.

To be able to shake the very foundations of Hell, we must be able to stand even when our own foundations are shaking. We must be able to hold on through the tremors, fires and floods.  To be able to step out to those in need as their own foundations crumble from beneath them, we ourselves must be able to hold on and stand.

God in his infinite wisdom knows before we can step out we must be ready. For us to lead by example and show those in need where we were and where we are now by God's grace, mercy and love, we  must be molded and shaped by the potter himself. To glorify his kingdom, one can not do his work while holding on to past life styles, choices and mistakes.

Jesus tells tell us in
 Acts 1:7-8
" He said to them " It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth."

Are we ready?
I can tell you we are ready to step out.  I can tell you our feet have been set. I can tell you when he gives us the green light, we will go!!!

For those who knew us when will witness all God's greatness in our lives. For those getting to know us will see his mercy through all our struggles. And for those who have yet to meet us, when the time is right, will feel the "shaking of Hell's foundations" as we rise to be all our daddy God has called us to be!!!

Much Love~

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