Mar 5, 2012

Tired much?

There have been days when I felt as though I just couldn't take another step. When I feel I have given everything I can give and my tank is below empty. I don't even have any fumes left to run on. My mind is numb with  exhaustion and my body feels like I have gone ten rounds in the boxing world of life. And let's not forget the days when I am running on "auto pilot". The days when I go through all the motions however I seem to forget what tasks I have completed and what I still need to accomplish. Those are the kind of days my daughter will inform me that she believes I have short term memory loss as I may ask her the same question several times in a 20 minute time frame. ( Kids, ya gotta love em!! )
There are times when I feel so drained and on over load, I can only muster a one worded prayer. The only word I can get to form out of my mouth is His name, JESUS! I will call his name over and over until I finally allow sleep to over take me.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

By confessing His word, that is what fills up my fuel tank of life. After I have made so many with drawls through out my day, I have to fill up again. And to do so means to remind myself of God's promises and what His word says about me and who I am in Christ. Jesus knows we will get tired. He knows there are times we may get overwhelmed. However he gives us all instructions in His word to be over comers!! To be able to keep pressing forward.

When I am tired and feel as though my feet just can not take another step I remember what Jesus tells me.

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

To rest in Jesus is allowing ourselves to be wrapped in His grace.

2 Corinthians 12:9 " But he said unto me,My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

To be wrapped in his grace says, when I can't take another step, He will carry me. When I am overwhelmed, He will give me peace. When I am physically and emotionally exhausted He will revive me with the strength I need to complete any and all tasks. When the world is coming at me from all sides, He will give me joy to sing His praises to be an over comer!!

So as my Monday morning continues to march on and my eyes just want to close for a much needed nap, I am reminded that He uses our circumstances to encourage others, to lift us up, to sustain and stand and most of all to overcome our weakness to be able to march on according to his promises!

Much Love~

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