Apr 22, 2015

Loving Them Through The Pain

For years I have asked God to use me as an instrument of his love. 
A love that is never failing.....
One that sees past the wounds and jaded scars.....
A love that will shine into the darkest areas of a heart and heal the brokenness....
A love that covers unconditionally and without reserve.....
To be able to love them past their pain. 

But how does one do that when the one who is living in such a forest of pain continuously throws up walls? 
They shut down and shut out .....
They will stop any real healing just to avoid the process of restoring.
Their mind set has become " out of site, out of mind"
They believe if they do not talk about the pain, confront the situations, and express their emotions it will all just disappear.
( Their walls of pain just got bigger)
Their fears have become greater than the love sent to restore. 

The enemy wants to keep them buried in their pain. 
He knows if the pain remains the healing love of the Father will not be seen.
He knows by living in constant pain, their hearts will forever be broken and they will live without true peace, joy and happiness. 

At times it is hard to love someone through their pain. 
It becomes difficult when I see the scars, wounds and tears their hearts will not release. ....
When I can feel the emotions they have locked up deep inside....
The " I don't care" attitudes they portray to hide the fear of rejection.
The hand they use to keep real love at bay.
And yet I still continue to ask my daddy God to use me as an instrument of His love. 
It is His love that has healed me of past pain....
His love that has carried me through some very difficult times in my life....
His love that has restored me in areas I never thought possible....
His love that continues to hold me up and walk me through when hardships drop in my world. 

There is nothing I (we) go through in life that is in vain.
I have learned He will use my trials, my pain and my brokenness to show others there is hope. 
There is healing.....
There is restoration...
There is victory. 

Romans 8:39 
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

I know it can become disheartening when loving someone through their pain tends to be rejection for what our hearts are offering. 
When our words fall on deaf ears....
 A heart that is un-receiving......
And walls that are so thick there seems to be no way through them or around them.

John 15:12
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 

It is then I am reminded how many times my daddy God had offered me the same love only to have me throw my hand up as I did not want to face my giants. 
I ran from anything and anyone that represented truth and healing. 
And I was hard to love....
So very hard.

For that reason alone, I continue to love the way He has called me to love. 
Regardless of how uncomfortable it becomes....
How difficult it may be at times.....
No matter if they push me away or take my hand... 
How frustrated in the natural I become.......
Just as my daddy God has loves me through my pain in life.....
I will love then through theirs.
Whether it's by prayer only, or physically standing with them....
His will not mine be done.

Loving them through their pain.............




  1. Hi Stacey, I loved this post. It is hard though and it is not necessarily rewarding to the person loving them through their pain. But you are planting seeds, God is watering them, and maybe one day, they can turn and do the same for someone else. Great heartfelt post my friend. I think God chose an amazing woman when He chose you to encourage others.
    God bless

    1. Thank you Tracy not only for your sweet words but your constant prayers for me! I am believing for a HUGE harvest of healing and love!!! God bless you sugar!!

  2. What a beautiful post! This is so hard to do, but if we are faithful to love, many times, it will break down those seemingly impenetrable walls. You just keep right on loving like Jesus loves...one day, you will see the rewards of your labors!


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