For the last several days I have gone to to the Lord with several questions, the "who,where and whys. God knows that I have total faith in him and his word. It was not my lack of faith that brought these questions to mind, it was my lack of understanding. To be honest I questioned him repeatedly, "When Lord". When will this part be over?, when are you going to show me what you have promised me? When will I know that it is time? And followed by those I began asking, "Why"..Why Lord does it have to be this way? Why do I have to continue in this direction when you clearly promised me something different? I just wanted answers and I wanted them now.
I wanted to know why when he promised me he was bringing out of the fire and the floods, I still felt as though I was being hit from every angle possible. It is truly amazing that when you feel you have nothing left to give on some days, when you are having your own little pity party, God shows up in ways we don't imagine!
I received a call today from a dear sweet friend of mine who needed prayer and an encouraging word. This beautiful woman of God was in need of some "sisterly love" and in the midst of me feeling like I could not take another step, HE gave me the words for my friend. The answer to my questions this morning comes from
Much Love~