May 23, 2012

Photo Shopping......

When I was a child, my parents took our photos with a Polaroid camera.  It immediately shoots out a photo and my mom would place it on the counter as it was exposing the picture.
There were no cropping, color, or brightness adjustments. It was what it was and there was no changing it. The only way to change it was a retake.
From school pictures to family photos, retaking them was the only way to get a better picture.
No Photo Shopping…...
Today’s technology allows us all to upload a picture to our computers, erase every blemish, wrinkle, or dark spot. We can brighten our eye color or change it completely with just a click on a mouse.
We can add and delete others in the photo. We can change the background, sharpen its contrast and place ourselves in another part of the world.
All of this can be done by “Photo Shopping”

No matter how many times we change our appearances in a photo, it does not change who we are, what lies on the inside of each of us, our emotions, our fears, our pain and our struggles.

Our daddy God looks to our hearts, not our outside appearances.  He wants to be the changer of our hearts. It is on his canvas that he removes the colors of the world that have stained our hearts and replaces them with His colors.
Colors of love, healing, restoration, forgiveness, peace and joy…….
There is no shame in showing our brokenness, our pain, or our struggles. It is through these emotions and times, God will begin to show you His photos, the way He sees you, His child.
It is through HIS “photo shopping” that we are made whole. It is through our inward appearances our beauty shines………
 It is when  we become more like Jesus~

Much Love~

1 Samuel 16:7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees;[a] for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

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